Friday, January 31, 2020

4- Forming an Opportunity Belief

I have a belief that an opportunity exists. I have a belief that an opportunity for eco-friendly products exist. 

The unmet need is the need for products that don’t pollute the environment. Our earth and the environmentally conscious people that live in it have the need. This need comes from the fact that our global environment as we know it is going in a downward spiral. People are recycling and using alternative products to meet this need.

The prototypical customer is someone who is aware of the effects many products impose on the environment and is willing to buy better more eco-friendly products to make a difference on this Earth. 

After interviewing prototypical customer #1, I learned that almost all prototypical customers are aware of their needs all the time. The prototypical customer I interviewed has had this unmet need for a long time now; ever since he was a teenager and learned about the negative effects certain products have on the environment. My interviewee is currently addressing this unmet need by using as many sustainable and ecological products as he can, although he is currently not satisfied enough.
I have learned about my opportunity that many customers are unsatisfied with the United States’ current environmental situation. 

After interviewing prototypical customer #2 and prototypical customer #3, I realized that most customers have the same mentality and idea on what would be done to help this Earth and how it should be done. Prototypical customer #2 and prototypical customer #3’s answers were very much similar to prototypical customer #1’s. They all became aware of their need pretty early on and still aren’t satisfied with the way the United States is dealing with inconsistencies in the ecosystem. 
I have learned that my opportunity is something problematic in the US but not necessarily in Europe. 

Basically, all of my original opportunity is still there, although my new opportunity is much more accurate than when I started. Entrepreneurs should adapt with as much fluidity as possible if they want to be successful. 

5- Identifying Local Opportunities

Opportunity 1:
1. Local vape shops lose profits due to recent tobacco lww
3. In December the US signed a new bill raising the age to purchase tobacco to 21, however, Alachua county signed their own bill back in October. This is slashing profits of many smoke shops because the majority of their tobacco customers are between the ages of 18-21.
4. The problem is that the majority of these smoke stores rely on young aged adults to buy tobacco products in order to pay their employees and and keep their business afloat.
5. This problem falls on the business owners who have to make up from these losses as well as the young adults who have to find a new place for their fix.

Opportunity 2:
1. Future over Gainesville's Luckys Market remains unclear
3. Luckys Market plans to close almost all of its Florida locations starting Feb. 12th due to a loss of investment from Kroger this past month. Many employees are out of a job and their future remains uncertain. Aldi may possible reinvest in the Gainesville location.
4. The problem is that the business is going bankrupt and 80 people will be losing their jobs.
5. The Luckys corporation and the employees are the main proponents of this problem.

Opportunity 3:
1.County commission may install cameras on I-75 to prevent speeding
3. In order to combat speeding on I-75 the county has proposed to install cameras to capture speeders and report them to their insurance companies.
4. The problem is that it is illegal in Florida to give out ticket through cameras so the county is finding a loophole to punish speeders.
5. Those who speed as well as the county are those who have the problem. The county has to find a way to fund this 800,000$ endeavor.

Opportunity 4:
1. Coronavirus outbreak being monitored by UF Health officials
3. With the coronavirus spreading everyone is on edge on how to stay healthy. Recently there was some worry that somebody in Shands has the virus.  UF is currently monitoring all possible cases.
4. The problem is a major one, being that there is a possibility that someone in this local area has this deadly virus and is living in a highly congested area.
5. This problem falls primarily on the Shands organization as they are responsible for any outbreaks. It is up to them to put these rumors to rest and continually monitor the situation.

Opportunity 5:
1. VP, treasurer and many Senate candidates in Progressive Party resign within hours
3. Within hours of each other the VP and treasurer candidates of the Progressive Party resigned after an apparent transphobic audio clip was posted on Facebook. The VP claims it was taken out of context and he had no idea he was being recorded.
4. The problem is that several members of the Progressive student party have resigned in the wake of an election causing a clear front runner and no obvious opposition. Running unopposed is never a good thing especially in a political race.
5. The Progressive political party has this problem as many of their top candidates have all resigned almost simultaneously. This party now has to find people to fill these vacant seats right before a big election. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

3A- Entrepreneurship Story

Just this past semester me and a friend of mine created a startup company, Global Smart Home Technologies (LLC). The first product we have been working on is an electric smart lock that integrates facial recognition. We want to provide a smarter and safer alternative to the classic key and lock method. There are several challenges but we believe facial recognition is the future of security because it cant be duplicated and has many more elements than a traditional lock or keypad. We also had the chance to compete at a pitch contest at the Cade Museum and share our idea with a panel of judges for the chance to win $25000.Unfortunately, we did not win the prize but it was a great experience that showed us our flaws and ways we can improve our pitch and overall design. Entrepreneurship is a great thing because it really shows that your own hard work can lead to innovation and success.

2A- Bug List

11.     During exam week there are never enough seats in the Library.
(why) There is an influx of students who are trying to study, maxing the capacity of the library
22.     Buying a pair of clothing in your normal size but it turns out the clothing company uses different dimensions for their sizes.
(why) Some companies like to create their own styles, cutting clothing into different sizes.
33.     When a restaurant messes up your food order.
(why) There are communication errors between servers and chefs
44.     Having a doctor’s appointment and still having to wait for over 30 min.
(why) Doctors overestimate the time taken for each patient.
55.     Getting to campus and my laptop cant connect to the school wifi.
(why) The schools wifi signal isn’t strong enough or the processing speed isn’t fast enough.
66.     Paying for gas but the card reader needs 4 attempts to finally read your card.
(why) Card reader is outdated and needs to be replaces. Mag strip reader is too old.
77.     When I have been waiting in a grocery line for a long time, then another employer opens a new line for the customers behind me.
(why) Employer wasn’t using spatial awareness to realize she was affecting those who had been waiting longer.
88.     People skipping lines at bars with no repercussions.
(why) There isn’t enough staff on hand so people believe they can get away with anything.
9.9     McDonalds on University serves another customer before me even though I ordered first.
(why) Might make more sense to serve them first to help with their operations.
110.  When you use google maps and the app doesn’t update fast enough causing you to make a wrong turn.
(why) I am in an area that has very little internet connection, affecting the processing time of app.
111.  When a company website says their open, but upon arrival I realize they are closed.
(why) Company doesn’t feel it is necessary to update their website.
112.  Going to BestBuy to buy a home appliance and upon arriving home realizing that not all the parts are in the box.
(why) Wholesaler did not make sure the product was ready to go before selling to BestBuy.
113.  Going to a public park and realizing all water fountains are out of order.
(why) State doesn’t have enough funds to fix public property.
114.  Being forced to buy $100+ textbooks for a class I am already paying for.
(why) Textbook companies know you need the material so they’re able to charge obscene prices.
115.  When catching a flight, I am stuck in the middle seat when I am 6’2.
(why) Unlucky ticket draw. Should have height to seat options.
116.  Going out to eat at a restaurant and your server only comes to your table once every 30 minutes, leaving you without water or silverware.
(why) Terrible service and communication skills on part of the server and staff.
117.  When you go to Wendy’s and their frosty machine broken.
(why) The workers are being incompetent and not fixing the machine.
118.  When I have to drive my scooter in the rain.
(why) I don’t have a car so I am forced to get wet while driving
119.  Having to drive a car early in the morning when its freezing out.
(why) It takes at least 5 min for the car to warm up forcing me to freeze.
220.  Picking food up and they don’t provide silverware.
(why) They either forget, are out, or didn’t care enough to provide it.

Creating this bus list was actually much more challenging than I initially thought it was going to be. Thinking off the top of my head was much harder to come up with than going through my daily routine and keeping track of them. There was also some difficulty in explaining why and how these things bug me.