Thursday, January 23, 2020

2A- Bug List

11.     During exam week there are never enough seats in the Library.
(why) There is an influx of students who are trying to study, maxing the capacity of the library
22.     Buying a pair of clothing in your normal size but it turns out the clothing company uses different dimensions for their sizes.
(why) Some companies like to create their own styles, cutting clothing into different sizes.
33.     When a restaurant messes up your food order.
(why) There are communication errors between servers and chefs
44.     Having a doctor’s appointment and still having to wait for over 30 min.
(why) Doctors overestimate the time taken for each patient.
55.     Getting to campus and my laptop cant connect to the school wifi.
(why) The schools wifi signal isn’t strong enough or the processing speed isn’t fast enough.
66.     Paying for gas but the card reader needs 4 attempts to finally read your card.
(why) Card reader is outdated and needs to be replaces. Mag strip reader is too old.
77.     When I have been waiting in a grocery line for a long time, then another employer opens a new line for the customers behind me.
(why) Employer wasn’t using spatial awareness to realize she was affecting those who had been waiting longer.
88.     People skipping lines at bars with no repercussions.
(why) There isn’t enough staff on hand so people believe they can get away with anything.
9.9     McDonalds on University serves another customer before me even though I ordered first.
(why) Might make more sense to serve them first to help with their operations.
110.  When you use google maps and the app doesn’t update fast enough causing you to make a wrong turn.
(why) I am in an area that has very little internet connection, affecting the processing time of app.
111.  When a company website says their open, but upon arrival I realize they are closed.
(why) Company doesn’t feel it is necessary to update their website.
112.  Going to BestBuy to buy a home appliance and upon arriving home realizing that not all the parts are in the box.
(why) Wholesaler did not make sure the product was ready to go before selling to BestBuy.
113.  Going to a public park and realizing all water fountains are out of order.
(why) State doesn’t have enough funds to fix public property.
114.  Being forced to buy $100+ textbooks for a class I am already paying for.
(why) Textbook companies know you need the material so they’re able to charge obscene prices.
115.  When catching a flight, I am stuck in the middle seat when I am 6’2.
(why) Unlucky ticket draw. Should have height to seat options.
116.  Going out to eat at a restaurant and your server only comes to your table once every 30 minutes, leaving you without water or silverware.
(why) Terrible service and communication skills on part of the server and staff.
117.  When you go to Wendy’s and their frosty machine broken.
(why) The workers are being incompetent and not fixing the machine.
118.  When I have to drive my scooter in the rain.
(why) I don’t have a car so I am forced to get wet while driving
119.  Having to drive a car early in the morning when its freezing out.
(why) It takes at least 5 min for the car to warm up forcing me to freeze.
220.  Picking food up and they don’t provide silverware.
(why) They either forget, are out, or didn’t care enough to provide it.

Creating this bus list was actually much more challenging than I initially thought it was going to be. Thinking off the top of my head was much harder to come up with than going through my daily routine and keeping track of them. There was also some difficulty in explaining why and how these things bug me.


  1. I agree this assignment was a little tricky as far as explaining why the "bugs" exist. When I did mine I kept wanting to explain why it bothered me verse how it came to be. Your list was really good and I agreed with a lot of them. I realized there's even more things that bug me than what I had originally came up with for my list.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your bug list! I think you outlined bugs that not only bother you, but that pretty much everyone, especially college students can relate to. I almost wish I had some of these on my list. But, like you said in your reflection, its not always easy to remember or even consider some of the things that bug you on a day to day basis, i think this is because they become second nature to us.
