Friday, March 27, 2020

20 - Growing Social Capital

1. The first person I contacted via LinkedIn was Peter C. Okwudi, a green energy specialist at Green Energy Experts LLC. He signifies as a domain expert and has worked with renewable energy his whole life, working as an engineer for Eco-solar and Wind ad graduating from Texas A&M. I found this person while browsing LinkedIn. He did not expect anything in return for his help, our exchange was a casual conversation about the business world of green energy and how to be taken seriously. This person will enhance my knowledge of green energy and allow me to better market to customers.
2. The second person I met via email was Ram Sahi,  a market expert in renewable energy and climate change policy. He is a professor at Carleton University. I found this person while searching on the internet. My exchange with Ram was more educational and profound than my others. He had a deep understanding of policy change and appealing to the younger generation. He did not expect anything in return accept knowing about my progress. Ram will help me exploit this opportunity by showing me expert guidance in the market.
3. The last person I contacted was RightPoint, an app developer who is a supplier of mobile apps. I found this company while researching online. The nature of the exchange was subtle, they told me the necessities of the app and the process it was going to take. They only asked for $ for their help. Including this person will help make my product a reality. 

This experience will help me with future networking events because it allowed me to gain valuable experience and showed me to not be afraid to fail when contacting people. It has differed from my experiences in the past because I was forced to reach out to experts that I have never had contact with before.

19 - Idea Napkin No.2

1.  I am senior at the University of Florida and am 21 years old. My name is Alexander Miguel and major in information systems with a minor in real estate. I dont have many talents but my skills include communication, observing and being able to relate to people. I aspire to change the world in a positive way by making it a greener cleaner place. I see me business playing a marge role in my life by helping me reduce waste.
2. I am offering a app that allows users to identify their carbon footprint and eliminate excess activities that pollute the earth.
3. I am offering this app to any age group who takes climate change very seriously and wants to make an effect on the earth. This group of individuals all care about the well being of the earth collectively.
4. Customers will pay money to use my product because climate change is a problem that affects everyone globally.
5. My determination and strong beliefs set me apart and allow me to succeed where others fail.

I did not get any feedback on my last post so I tried to change this idea napkin a bit and reword it to persuade other customers and gain a following.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

18- Customer Avatar

The ideal customer I am trying to market for is someone who is young, informed about the current climate crisis, enjoys science and loves to recycle and reuse in their free time. My customer would enjoy hobbies such as hiking, traveling, and enjoying practices like yoga. They tend to drive an eco-friendly car or possibly even an all-electric car that takes in to account the amount of carbon being put into the air. The car color would most likely be white or silver. The ideal customer probably wont have kids, but if they do, the parents will be young adults. These avatars will enjoy reading non-fiction books that expand their understanding of the known universe. This customer is very open minded and interesting in finding the truth and helping the planet heal from climate change. I believe I am very similar to the customer avatar, which isn’t a coincidence. People my age are more inclined to care about climate change and care about the possible effects in the future. I believe some of these characteristics are a coincidence because I based these observations off of my own experiences and wants.

17- Elevator Pitch No. 2

Friday, March 13, 2020

16- Secret Sauce

I have a firm belief that every and all humans are unique in their own way. Every person has certain aspects that distinguish who they are. Personally, 5 things that I believe make me unique are my mental toughness, love and appreciation for nature and wildlife, physical prowess, fascination for learning, and ability to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations.
In the first interview, my mother, she kept reiteration my love for all living things regardless of national borders or differences in religion or ethnicity.
The second interview was my roomate who pointed out my hard work and drive not only in school, but in all aspect of my life. Giving 100% no matter the task.
The third interview said I was obnoxious at times, but not always in a bad way.
The fourth interview claimed I had undeniable passion for topics that I found interesting.
The last interview said I always pay attention to small details and have a knack for observations.

After conducting the interviews it is obvious that there are apparent differences between how I see myself and how others see me. I see myself as a quite individual who keeps to myself and observes the outside world. Those who I interviewed had a similar view of myself but pointed out things that I did not notice. Often I have tunnel vision and dont see myself and view my actions as others see and observe me. I do believe these interviews are right about me and as of now would not make any corrections to my list.

15- Figuring out Buyer Behavior

With any product, customers always prefer alternatives and customization. For this particular product, my carbon footprint app, there isn't many alternatives except for price alteration, style, and overall quality. After interviewing 3 individuals it was apparent that offering different priced membership accounts that provide different quality services would be the best overall approach. Similar to gym memberships or any subscriptions, I would offer a Silver, Gold and Platinum options that give the user different segments to the app. Regarding style, each user will have the opportunity to choose different fonts, colors, and pictures that best fit their style. This ill purely be an online purchase through the app store, there arent any alternatives to this segment. After making their purchase the biggest question is, was it worth the money? The customer may think it was a bad purchase if they believe tracking their carbon footprint isnt fun or important enough. All in all it was clear from the interviews that offering different pricing options and a style customization tool were the most popular alternatives.