Thursday, March 19, 2020

18- Customer Avatar

The ideal customer I am trying to market for is someone who is young, informed about the current climate crisis, enjoys science and loves to recycle and reuse in their free time. My customer would enjoy hobbies such as hiking, traveling, and enjoying practices like yoga. They tend to drive an eco-friendly car or possibly even an all-electric car that takes in to account the amount of carbon being put into the air. The car color would most likely be white or silver. The ideal customer probably wont have kids, but if they do, the parents will be young adults. These avatars will enjoy reading non-fiction books that expand their understanding of the known universe. This customer is very open minded and interesting in finding the truth and helping the planet heal from climate change. I believe I am very similar to the customer avatar, which isn’t a coincidence. People my age are more inclined to care about climate change and care about the possible effects in the future. I believe some of these characteristics are a coincidence because I based these observations off of my own experiences and wants.


  1. Alex, nice job describing your prototypical customer. It is apparent your customer is in the younger generations and is environmentally conscious. I could picture this person in my mind and felt like I understood their motives/ ideals. It is great that you are able to connect with your customer because this will make it easier to deliver them a product they want.

  2. I am curious how you would look to expand your potential customer base? Your product is focused on individuals who are currently concerned about the climate crisis, so how can you position your product to attract customers who are not as informed or simply don't care at this point. Also, if your ideal customer is younger, they typically have less financial resources to spend on non-essentials, so I'd also look to target different age groups with more disposable income.

  3. Hey Alex,
    I loved the description of your customer avatar! It was really easy to follow and definitely intertwines seamlessly with your product. It almost reminded me of a Patagonia customer avatar, as the approach to the environment is similar. While that is an ideal customer, people like me who aren't into yoga and hiking as much would also definitely be inspired to change our ways and make more conscious decisions. Great job on this assignment.
