Friday, March 13, 2020

16- Secret Sauce

I have a firm belief that every and all humans are unique in their own way. Every person has certain aspects that distinguish who they are. Personally, 5 things that I believe make me unique are my mental toughness, love and appreciation for nature and wildlife, physical prowess, fascination for learning, and ability to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations.
In the first interview, my mother, she kept reiteration my love for all living things regardless of national borders or differences in religion or ethnicity.
The second interview was my roomate who pointed out my hard work and drive not only in school, but in all aspect of my life. Giving 100% no matter the task.
The third interview said I was obnoxious at times, but not always in a bad way.
The fourth interview claimed I had undeniable passion for topics that I found interesting.
The last interview said I always pay attention to small details and have a knack for observations.

After conducting the interviews it is obvious that there are apparent differences between how I see myself and how others see me. I see myself as a quite individual who keeps to myself and observes the outside world. Those who I interviewed had a similar view of myself but pointed out things that I did not notice. Often I have tunnel vision and dont see myself and view my actions as others see and observe me. I do believe these interviews are right about me and as of now would not make any corrections to my list.


  1. It is interesting to see how those closest to us observe who we are. We may not know or even be aware of how our interactions are perceived sometimes, so it may be a best practice to have check-ins from time to time to gather feedback and make sure we are being who we want to be. I didn't see your links to your interviews, so I was not able to listen to them.

  2. Hi Alex. I like how you did this assignment. Most of the blogs I read used very short and general descriptive words to describe themselves, but both you and the people you interviewed gave a lot more detail about how you all view yourself. It seemed that there was a trend in most of the interviews, being that you are passionate for most things you do and toward the variety of people you meet.

  3. Hi Alex,
    I definitely relate to a lot of what you laid out. It is impossible to draw a unilateral definition of what makes up a person, but I like the way you went about describing yourself. I also observed how the people interviewed pointed out things about me that I had not noticed, and often feel I have tunnel vision when going about different parts of my life.
