Friday, March 27, 2020

20 - Growing Social Capital

1. The first person I contacted via LinkedIn was Peter C. Okwudi, a green energy specialist at Green Energy Experts LLC. He signifies as a domain expert and has worked with renewable energy his whole life, working as an engineer for Eco-solar and Wind ad graduating from Texas A&M. I found this person while browsing LinkedIn. He did not expect anything in return for his help, our exchange was a casual conversation about the business world of green energy and how to be taken seriously. This person will enhance my knowledge of green energy and allow me to better market to customers.
2. The second person I met via email was Ram Sahi,  a market expert in renewable energy and climate change policy. He is a professor at Carleton University. I found this person while searching on the internet. My exchange with Ram was more educational and profound than my others. He had a deep understanding of policy change and appealing to the younger generation. He did not expect anything in return accept knowing about my progress. Ram will help me exploit this opportunity by showing me expert guidance in the market.
3. The last person I contacted was RightPoint, an app developer who is a supplier of mobile apps. I found this company while researching online. The nature of the exchange was subtle, they told me the necessities of the app and the process it was going to take. They only asked for $ for their help. Including this person will help make my product a reality. 

This experience will help me with future networking events because it allowed me to gain valuable experience and showed me to not be afraid to fail when contacting people. It has differed from my experiences in the past because I was forced to reach out to experts that I have never had contact with before.


  1. Alex, I was impressed with your ability to find the people you interviewed. You were able to network using a variety of mediums including LinkedIn which I thought was a great idea. I think finding a great app developer is crucial for your idea in order to get people to know and love your app. If you are able to network with the right people I think you could design an eye-popping app that people would download.

  2. Hey Alex,
    I think you chose great people to network with. Keeping contact with these people will definitely open doors for you and support your business. And I think the specific people you chose fit each roll perfectly. I had a similar experience. Before this, I had never had to reach out to experts before. It definitely gave me some valuable experience too!

  3. Hey Alex,
    I think you chose a useful range of individuals to network with. You were able to tackle both aspects of your business design with the idea of renewable energy and the creation of the actual app itself. Networking can seem intimidating but once you get through it, it is rewarding and valuable to you and your business. Great job on this assignment!
