Wednesday, April 15, 2020

26- Celebrating Failure

In the past year I have failed numerous times in business, school, and in pretty much every other aspect in my life. The best example I can think of is competing in a start up contest last Fall with one of my best friends for the chance to win $10,000. We had been working effortlessly on our business the plan and execution and performed at the Cade museum in front of an audience of about 150 people. Unfortunately, we did not win but the biggest thing I learned from this was that in order to succeed you cant be afraid to fail. Succeeding does not exist without failing, they are yin and yang. At times failing can be harder than others, especially when emotions are attached. This class has taught me to not be afraid of failing, but to welcome it. Ive learned that welcoming failure breeds success and builds character.


  1. I think it is great you choose to have such a positive outlook on failure! A lot of people would fold facing the same circumstances of failing in front of 150 people, so it is great you use it to learn and understand that failure is a necessary evil. I agree with you that this class has taught us to not be afraid to fail.

  2. Hey Alex,
    It sucks that you guys didn't win the contest. Hopefully you guys gained valuable experience and learned a lot from it! After failing, you can either choose to learn from your mistakes or keep failing. I always try to improve myself and learn from my mistakes to make myself a better person. I hope that you follow up with your start up idea!
