Sunday, April 19, 2020

30 - final reflection

The past semester has been nothing short of irregular. As my time at this great university is coming to end it is a great time to look back and reflect. Nobody could have predicted that a deadly virus was going to spread across the globe, yet it did. I am proud to be graduating and my most joyful experience was being with my friends. I have always seen myself as an entrepreneur and this course only boasted this ego. All in fall I believe I have moved towards being a more successful and knowledgeable entrepreneur. For those taking this course in the future I would recommend to plan ahead and work ahead, that way you aren’t always playing catch up. In order to perform your best, make sure to watch the lectures and take notes while also asking questions. I believe anyone can be successful if they put enough hard work in.
The Value of Hard Work, Because Hard Work Is a Value


  1. I agree to plan ahead! The assignments can easily sneak up on you. Thats why it helped me to write them all in my agenda ahead of time. But I didn't do any assignments early; looking back, it would have made the whole experience much easier! Thats great advice for future students

  2. Hey Alex,
    I definitely agree that since before taking this class I have moved towards gaining the potential to be a successful entrepreneur. I loved reading your assignments and I definitely enjoyed your concept idea. I definitely think it is smart for future students to plan ahead, as assignments do sneak up on you at the end of every week. Great job!
