Thursday, April 16, 2020

28 - Exit strategy

If my business idea were to come to fruition, I would plan on keeping the business as a long term investment. Making the world a cleaner place for all of its inhabitants is something I am passionate about. Having the ability to have a business that not only gives back to the planet but turns a profit would be great. I would choose to hold on to the business in the next 5 years rather than selling it for a huge pay day because this is something I care about and would want to pursue for the rest of my life. My exit strategy has influenced my other business decisions because I have emotions tied up in the business model rather than only profits. I believe the business would bring me a larger investment if I kept it as an asset and branched out into other markets and product segments.


  1. I think it is great that your initial thoughts are to keep this long term. I wonder if your perspective would change based on how successful your business became. Selling it may provide you more opportunity and capital to have an even bigger impact by pursuing goals that at this point you may not have the means to do so.

  2. Alex, it is great that you have found something you are passionate about and would want to keep the business long term. I like how you are thinking of ways to branch out the company beyond the app. There are certainly opportunities to use the app educationally. It seems like you are looking beyond profits and dollar signs and really have a goal of giving back to the planet.

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