Thursday, April 2, 2020

21 - Reading reflection No. 2

1. The general theme of the book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" by Scott Adams is that there is not a concrete way to become successful. There isnt a template that everyone uses to become wealthy or have a successful business. Scott talks about happiness and self growing as the major keys to measuring success. 
2. While reading this book it was clear that I could take several lessons from this course as well as this book and make major changes to the way I live my life. One thing that coincides with this course, is surrounding yourself with people that want you to succeed and make yourself want to be and do better. 
3. My exercise would involve students realizing that success and wealth is not equivalent to happiness. Scott makes it clear that growth and happiness are major factors for measuring personal and entrepreneurial growth.
4. The biggest "ahah" moment I had was one Scott deliberately focused on how important it is too be happy. Nowadays success is measured by wealth and in many cases these people arent happy. I enjoyed how Scott brought up this point. 


  1. I think you point out some very important aspects of the book! Happiness truly is the key to measuring success. Without happiness, it doesn't matter how much money you make or how successful the world may think you are, you will still feel empty inside. I think it is great there is am entrepreneurial book focused on this topic. It why it makes even more sense to pursue an idea/opportunity that you are passionate about.

  2. Hi Alex. I didn't read this book, but I really like what you took from it. Happiness definitely is a good measure of success. If you're "successful" and not happy can that really be considered a success? I also believe that being happy on your journey to success is important. It gives you hope and motivation to push on. If you're having troubles it's easy to get through them if you're internally happy.
