Thursday, February 20, 2020

11- Idea Napkin

1. I am 4th year student at the University of Florida and my name is Alexander Miguel. For all my life I have always loved to travel, trying new foods, experiencing new cultures. I have been traveling internationally since I was 5 years old granting me a plethora of experiences that I wouldnt be able to have in the states. I would say I am skillful at communicating and reading people. I have always been super drawn to the environment and label myself as an outdoorsman. I see this business playing a role in my life because it incorporates diet, travel and daily consumer decisions.

2. What I am offering customers is a mobile app that allows individuals to track their daily carbon output through transportation, diet, and consumer decisions. This meets the consumers unmet need of helping create a greener planet.

3. The demographic my product is trying to reach is any individual who wants to make a difference in the amount of pollution they are contributing. This doesnt have an age bracket or certain region, it applies to anyone who wants to inspire change.

4. My product is valuable because it is the only product that accurately calculates and displays the amount of carbon each individual is putting into the atmosphere. Climate change is an existential crisis and and this service lessens this crisis.

5. What sets me apart is my passion for the environment and dedication to a cleaner world.

I believe all these points gel well together to make an overall great service. This is something anybody regardless of age, gender, or location can get behind and believe in. We need a culture change to combat this climate change, which I am providing.

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