Wednesday, February 12, 2020

9- Testing Hypothesis Part 2

After interviewing 5 new people for my future product/service I realized I don’t have as much figured out as I initially believed. For one I have realized that there are several businesses that have the same environmental values and principles, however, still don’t go the extra mile to reduce their carbon footprint. Although they share these principles, they don’t want to spend the extra money to cleanly eliminate their waste. The need I have outlined refers to the need to track and monitors one owns carbon footprint. This is definitely different from making environmentally conscious decisions. They are related but just because you are tracking your footprint, doesn’t mean you are making the right decisions. The underlying cause of the outsiders’ need is the same as those in the boundary they just don’t care as much.

Inside the boundary                                                   
Who is In: those who want to better track their effect on the planet.                                       
What the Need Is: to accurately track individually carbon input to stop climate change                       
Why the Need Exists: Climate change is a serious threat that needs active solutions

Outside the boundary
Who is Not: those who don’t believe or care about climate change
What the Need Is Not: enriching large corporations who don’t care about affecting the environment
Alternative Explanations: many believe climate change wont affect them and is a total hoax.
This is disappointing because this change is serious and will affect everyone.


  1. Alex, one of the challenging parts to your idea is that it requires a change in peoples beliefs. Some people simply don't care about the environment and feel their carbon footprint is minuscule compared to the grand scheme of things. Similarly to you, one thing that I saw when doing my interviews is that my opportunity wasn't in as many people's boundary as I thought, but that doesn't mean it's not an opportunity worth going for.

  2. Hi Alex,
    Although you felt like your idea doesn't reach as many people as you thought I think it's still a good one and that there are enough people who care about the environment who could benefit from the opportunity you've stated. Making people aware of their carbon footprint and allowing them to be able to track what they're putting into the world is really important. Maybe some people don't realize how bad their carbon footprint is and this could show them and make them decide to start working harder to reduce it.

  3. Great job Alex. I think your idea is great, and also very important. Climate change is definitely real, and I think the biggest issue is the "i'm just one person" syndrome. People don't think that their individual footprint makes an impact on the environment, but it does, and if everyone cared collectively, things would change. I think if there was a way to make people realize that, this idea would be very successful.
