Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Halfway Reflection

A class like ENT3003 I believe is easy due to the concrete schedule. I know I will have a cupcake, blog posts and responses each week, due the same day. Having a clear calendar has allowed me to be successful in this course. There have been several moments in my life that I have felt like giving up. One that stands out from the rest comes from competitive sports, during a game when the team and I were trailing by a massive amount of points in a highschool basketball game. Nobody thought we had a chance to win, however after a big halftime speech there was a shred of belief. That is usually all it takes to be successful, an unwavering belief in yourself. As I am getting close to graduation I definitely believe I have become more tenacious over the past 2 months. A lot of that stems from relying on myself. Some tips I would offer to the next students: stay on track, it is easy to get behind and lose your grade. Work ahead! This class allows you to work ahead and get in front of the pack. Make the most of each blog post. In order to breed tenacity you must first believe in yourself.


  1. Hi Alex! You had some really great words. I completely agree that in order to breed tenacity you have to believe in yourself. I could relate to your story about basketball. I played competitive volleyball all of high school and for the most part if you didn't believe in yourself you weren't going to be able to perform. It's always important to have a tenacious mindset too.

  2. Alex I agree with your point that it is nice to have a concrete schedule and that it is important to get ahead in this class. I think as I've completed more time in college I have become more tenacious because we are all basically competing for jobs against millions of other students and it is important to work hard.

  3. Hi Alex!

    Well done with your reflection! I agree that it is very important to keep track of due dates and upcoming things on a calendar- I like to use a combination of Google Calendars and the Canvas calendar in order to accomplish this in my own life. In addition, I agree that it is so important to have a positive and elastic mindset towards grades- one test, one grade, one class, even one semester or year do not define who we are- they are merely just a number or a letter in the grand scheme of things. We are much better just focusing on our personal development and the things that we learn along the way. Keep it up!

  4. Hey Alex,
    I also agree that one of the best features of this class is the consistency from week to week in terms of assignments. Each Thursday night and Sunday night are when I dedicate most of my time to catching up with this class. I try to fill out my weekly planner at the beginning of each week so I know what is expected of me going into it. I am taking 16 credits this semester which is a heavy workload for me. Being tenacious is essential to standing out and I really like the picture you used to describe it.
