Thursday, February 20, 2020

12- Figuring out Buyer Behavior

 For this exercise I have chosen the behavioral segmentation for my market in order to learn more about the business and service I am trying to create. Unfortunately, in the first interview I conducted the person did not have the unmet need I was trying to meet. Carrying on, I was able to find 2 millennial individuals and 1 individual who was 56 years old who had the same unmet needs I was trying to solve. These 3 people somehow all did the same thing once they were aware of their unmet need of creating a greener planet, they all wanted to change their diet in some form. The red meat industry is one of the leading contributors of climate change across the globe behind transportation and the burning of fossil fuels. They all searched the internet looking for the best way to make and individual difference. The answer they found was their diet choices. Their search terms were something along the lines of "best way to combat climate change". 2 out of the 3 talked to their friends and family about this crisis and what we can do. While focusing on the behaviors of these people I learned that not everyone is aware or believes in the extent of our climate problem. Because we are not now being immediately affected, people dont seem to care or worry. Based on this segment, I would say that the individuals I interviewed didn't have a high need awareness and were educated by my presentation. After that they displayed a high level of information search and wanting to know more.


  1. Hi Alex. Your idea is really great. You have a wide range of customers in this market. It is true that some people don't have this need and aren't concerned about the environment. However, the movement to become more environmentally friendly is increasingly growing. Something that could increase your clientele would be to simply educate the public. A lot of people just aren't aware enough of how they are impacting the environment and this could cause more people to have the unmet need.

  2. Alex, nice job of including the interviewees sentiment on the topic and understanding their awareness to the need. It is cool how they picked a specific way (their diet) they want to decrease their carbon footprint. I thought it was also good that you were able to spot a couple challenges in your opportunity so you can make a solution. around that.

  3. Hey Alex,
    I like that you interviewed a range of people, instead of just all millennial individuals like I did in my interviews. People are usually unaware of their impact on the environment coming from all factors of their everyday activities until they are made aware of it. When seeing how striking that impact is, I'm not surprised that most people would immediately want to change their ways. Regardless, I think this is a great idea to encourage consumers to be environmentally conscious in all aspects of their everyday life, no matter who they are or what they do.
