Wednesday, February 26, 2020

13- Reading Reflection

Before this assignment I had always been fascinated by Elon Musk.What surprised me the most about Elon is the pure dedication to reach Mars. His sole life goal is to make a colony on Mars. I admire the fact that Elon is spending billions of dollars of his own money in order to make the Earth a cleaner place. The aspect of Elon that I least admire was his reluctance to help the author of this book. Every entrepreneur encounters adversity, in 2008 Elon's auto company Tesla, almost went bankrupt. In order to stay afloat he pumped all the money he had into his own business and created one of the best cars the world has ever seen. It is clear that Elon is the genius of the 21st century. He exhibits character, intelligence, originality and determination like very few. One thing I found confusing was when he talked about the science behind SpaceX and the use of scientific jargon. My 2 questions would be: As the first leader of Mars what type of governmental structure do you wish to have? How do you plan to provide clean energy to the world? This man obviously has a hard stance on hard work as it was one of the main factors that got him to the place where he is today.


  1. I knew that Elon Musk created SpaceX to reach Mars, but I had no idea that his sole life goal is to colonize Mars - thank you for sharing! I like you first question to him. I am sure if he set up the government, one governing body he would not replicate is the SEC, which has caused him so many headaches here on Earth.

  2. Hi Alex. I've always heard Elon Musks name pertaining to Tesla, but wasn't aware of SpaceX and his interest to colonize Mars. He's definitely a very intelligent person full of great ideas and is extremely innovative. Your questions were also really good and I would be interested to hear his responses to them. Your reflection made me want to read the book that you did.
