Thursday, February 6, 2020

7- Testing Hypothesis

 An opportunity exists to create a product or service that combats climate change and brings awareness. Citizens in the US are unable to calculate their carbon footprint and understand their consumer decisions and their effects on the environment.
The who: Citizens in US
The what: They are unable to calculate their impact on climate.
The why: Climate change will effect everyone economically
Testing the who: Everyone in my current who shares this need. 
Testing the what: There are no boundaries for the what. Climate change affects everyone
Testing the why: This service/product will hold for everyone because the problem of climate effects everyone regardless of wealth.
After interviewing 5 people I have come to the conclusion that not everyone cares about climate and may not want to use the service even though they need it. Also, there a lot more components of calculating someones carbon footprint than initially thought.


  1. I agree with you on the fact that Americans need to have a better understanding of how their decisions affect the environment and world around them. Also your "why" is interesting because some people seem to think they'll be immune to climate change, whether economically or environmentally.

  2. Hey Alex,
    I agree with you on the importance of climate change and citizens being more cautious about their impact on the world around us. Sadly, many people still aren't taking the steps necessary to become more environmentally sound. I was curious to think if you believe becoming more environmentally cautious would be costlier or cheaper to consumers? I know reusable straws, bags and cups can definitely save money in the long haul, but I'm unsure about other methods of being climate cautious.

  3. Hi Alex, I really liked your idea about climate change. It is true that some people just don't care about the climate or future generations, however, a lot of people do and this could be a great opportunity. Being environmentally friendly and aware of the world around you is becoming a huge movement and more and more people are likely to jump on the bandwagon.
