Sunday, April 19, 2020

30 - final reflection

The past semester has been nothing short of irregular. As my time at this great university is coming to end it is a great time to look back and reflect. Nobody could have predicted that a deadly virus was going to spread across the globe, yet it did. I am proud to be graduating and my most joyful experience was being with my friends. I have always seen myself as an entrepreneur and this course only boasted this ego. All in fall I believe I have moved towards being a more successful and knowledgeable entrepreneur. For those taking this course in the future I would recommend to plan ahead and work ahead, that way you aren’t always playing catch up. In order to perform your best, make sure to watch the lectures and take notes while also asking questions. I believe anyone can be successful if they put enough hard work in.
The Value of Hard Work, Because Hard Work Is a Value

Thursday, April 16, 2020

27 - Reading Reflection 3

I decided to read about the Wright brothers by David McCullough. After reading what surprised me the most was how similar both brothers were to each other. The thing I admire most about them is their dedication to their craft and ambitions. They really wanted to make something for people to fly and would stop at nothing to build it.Something I didn’t admire about them is selling their ideas to France. The Wright brothers failed multiples times when their inventions wouldn't work and they had to constantly improvise and adapt. The Wright brothers cared deeply about their machines and were competent in this manner. It is comical that the US government wasn’t interested in the Wright brothers and highly doubted them. If I had the chance I would ask them what their biggest regrets were in life. I am fascinated about knowing more about people than just their face value.

28 - Exit strategy

If my business idea were to come to fruition, I would plan on keeping the business as a long term investment. Making the world a cleaner place for all of its inhabitants is something I am passionate about. Having the ability to have a business that not only gives back to the planet but turns a profit would be great. I would choose to hold on to the business in the next 5 years rather than selling it for a huge pay day because this is something I care about and would want to pursue for the rest of my life. My exit strategy has influenced my other business decisions because I have emotions tied up in the business model rather than only profits. I believe the business would bring me a larger investment if I kept it as an asset and branched out into other markets and product segments.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

26- Celebrating Failure

In the past year I have failed numerous times in business, school, and in pretty much every other aspect in my life. The best example I can think of is competing in a start up contest last Fall with one of my best friends for the chance to win $10,000. We had been working effortlessly on our business the plan and execution and performed at the Cade museum in front of an audience of about 150 people. Unfortunately, we did not win but the biggest thing I learned from this was that in order to succeed you cant be afraid to fail. Succeeding does not exist without failing, they are yin and yang. At times failing can be harder than others, especially when emotions are attached. This class has taught me to not be afraid of failing, but to welcome it. Ive learned that welcoming failure breeds success and builds character.

Friday, April 10, 2020

25- Whats Next

After my new interviews it was clear that they believed that the next step for my venture would to be to add some sort of reward system to the app that persuades users to use it. In terms of growing in the existing market, I need to continue to appeal to vegans, vegetarians, electric car owners, and anyone else who cares deeply about the current state of the planets environment. Creating a green community that backs my company and product will allow me to control the existing market and make way to new markets while mitigating my risk. Currently I am targeting a B2C market.
In order to gain value from a new market I am going to explore a B2B model that helps me build relationships with other businesses whereas companies build goodwill with their customers by going more green. After interviewing 2 new people I realize I need to adapt my product to serve businesses rather than only individuals. In order to do this I must expand the app to analyze the carbon footprint of a whole business rather than an individual. 
After these interviews what surprised me the most is how compatible the B2B market is for my product. It is definitely important to research this further and possibly create 2 sides for the app, one for individuals, one for businesses. Many of my assumptions or expectations were actually false; this market is viable and definitely has the chance of being profitable.  

Thursday, April 9, 2020

23- Ventures Unfair Advantage

1. Personal capital ($), It is very valuable and rare for an individual to have personal capital. This resource is hard to imitate and has very few substitutes.
2. Friends and family, It is valuable to have friends and family that support you but it is not rare. Close friends are hard to imitate and there are no substitutes to trust.
3. Social relationships on campus, These relationships are very valuable giving you insight to life on campus but they are not rare. These can be imitates at clubs or social gatherings and have several substitutes.
4. Personal experiences, Everyones experiences are rare and valuable because they are personal. These can not be imitated or substituted, they make up or thoughts.
5. Possible investor capital, this is very rare and valuable as many ideas can not be easily funded. This can be imitated by others with connection or substituted by a loan
6. Connections with app developers, this is very rare and valuable in our technological world. These can not be imitated or substituted because they are relationships.
7. Ambition,  this is valuable but not rare. Ambition is a personal trait that is hard to imitate or substitute
8. Campus resources, These are valuable at a University like UF and rare. They are hard to substitute and imitate because this is such a prestigious university.
9. Environmental knowledge, this is valuable for my idea but not rare. This can be found online. It can not be imitated because it is personal and there is no substitute to knowledge.
10. Desire for a cleaner earth. This isnt valuable nor earth but essential to my idea. This can not be imitated or substituted because it is a personal belief.

I believe the most valuable resource out of my list is my own personal capital that could be invested. Very few people have extra capital which would give me a huge advantage.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

22- Elevator Pitch No. 3

Based off of my last pitches I did not get any feedback. However, I worked on body language and clearly getting my message across.

21 - Reading reflection No. 2

1. The general theme of the book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" by Scott Adams is that there is not a concrete way to become successful. There isnt a template that everyone uses to become wealthy or have a successful business. Scott talks about happiness and self growing as the major keys to measuring success. 
2. While reading this book it was clear that I could take several lessons from this course as well as this book and make major changes to the way I live my life. One thing that coincides with this course, is surrounding yourself with people that want you to succeed and make yourself want to be and do better. 
3. My exercise would involve students realizing that success and wealth is not equivalent to happiness. Scott makes it clear that growth and happiness are major factors for measuring personal and entrepreneurial growth.
4. The biggest "ahah" moment I had was one Scott deliberately focused on how important it is too be happy. Nowadays success is measured by wealth and in many cases these people arent happy. I enjoyed how Scott brought up this point. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

20 - Growing Social Capital

1. The first person I contacted via LinkedIn was Peter C. Okwudi, a green energy specialist at Green Energy Experts LLC. He signifies as a domain expert and has worked with renewable energy his whole life, working as an engineer for Eco-solar and Wind ad graduating from Texas A&M. I found this person while browsing LinkedIn. He did not expect anything in return for his help, our exchange was a casual conversation about the business world of green energy and how to be taken seriously. This person will enhance my knowledge of green energy and allow me to better market to customers.
2. The second person I met via email was Ram Sahi,  a market expert in renewable energy and climate change policy. He is a professor at Carleton University. I found this person while searching on the internet. My exchange with Ram was more educational and profound than my others. He had a deep understanding of policy change and appealing to the younger generation. He did not expect anything in return accept knowing about my progress. Ram will help me exploit this opportunity by showing me expert guidance in the market.
3. The last person I contacted was RightPoint, an app developer who is a supplier of mobile apps. I found this company while researching online. The nature of the exchange was subtle, they told me the necessities of the app and the process it was going to take. They only asked for $ for their help. Including this person will help make my product a reality. 

This experience will help me with future networking events because it allowed me to gain valuable experience and showed me to not be afraid to fail when contacting people. It has differed from my experiences in the past because I was forced to reach out to experts that I have never had contact with before.

19 - Idea Napkin No.2

1.  I am senior at the University of Florida and am 21 years old. My name is Alexander Miguel and major in information systems with a minor in real estate. I dont have many talents but my skills include communication, observing and being able to relate to people. I aspire to change the world in a positive way by making it a greener cleaner place. I see me business playing a marge role in my life by helping me reduce waste.
2. I am offering a app that allows users to identify their carbon footprint and eliminate excess activities that pollute the earth.
3. I am offering this app to any age group who takes climate change very seriously and wants to make an effect on the earth. This group of individuals all care about the well being of the earth collectively.
4. Customers will pay money to use my product because climate change is a problem that affects everyone globally.
5. My determination and strong beliefs set me apart and allow me to succeed where others fail.

I did not get any feedback on my last post so I tried to change this idea napkin a bit and reword it to persuade other customers and gain a following.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

18- Customer Avatar

The ideal customer I am trying to market for is someone who is young, informed about the current climate crisis, enjoys science and loves to recycle and reuse in their free time. My customer would enjoy hobbies such as hiking, traveling, and enjoying practices like yoga. They tend to drive an eco-friendly car or possibly even an all-electric car that takes in to account the amount of carbon being put into the air. The car color would most likely be white or silver. The ideal customer probably wont have kids, but if they do, the parents will be young adults. These avatars will enjoy reading non-fiction books that expand their understanding of the known universe. This customer is very open minded and interesting in finding the truth and helping the planet heal from climate change. I believe I am very similar to the customer avatar, which isn’t a coincidence. People my age are more inclined to care about climate change and care about the possible effects in the future. I believe some of these characteristics are a coincidence because I based these observations off of my own experiences and wants.

17- Elevator Pitch No. 2

Friday, March 13, 2020

16- Secret Sauce

I have a firm belief that every and all humans are unique in their own way. Every person has certain aspects that distinguish who they are. Personally, 5 things that I believe make me unique are my mental toughness, love and appreciation for nature and wildlife, physical prowess, fascination for learning, and ability to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations.
In the first interview, my mother, she kept reiteration my love for all living things regardless of national borders or differences in religion or ethnicity.
The second interview was my roomate who pointed out my hard work and drive not only in school, but in all aspect of my life. Giving 100% no matter the task.
The third interview said I was obnoxious at times, but not always in a bad way.
The fourth interview claimed I had undeniable passion for topics that I found interesting.
The last interview said I always pay attention to small details and have a knack for observations.

After conducting the interviews it is obvious that there are apparent differences between how I see myself and how others see me. I see myself as a quite individual who keeps to myself and observes the outside world. Those who I interviewed had a similar view of myself but pointed out things that I did not notice. Often I have tunnel vision and dont see myself and view my actions as others see and observe me. I do believe these interviews are right about me and as of now would not make any corrections to my list.

15- Figuring out Buyer Behavior

With any product, customers always prefer alternatives and customization. For this particular product, my carbon footprint app, there isn't many alternatives except for price alteration, style, and overall quality. After interviewing 3 individuals it was apparent that offering different priced membership accounts that provide different quality services would be the best overall approach. Similar to gym memberships or any subscriptions, I would offer a Silver, Gold and Platinum options that give the user different segments to the app. Regarding style, each user will have the opportunity to choose different fonts, colors, and pictures that best fit their style. This ill purely be an online purchase through the app store, there arent any alternatives to this segment. After making their purchase the biggest question is, was it worth the money? The customer may think it was a bad purchase if they believe tracking their carbon footprint isnt fun or important enough. All in all it was clear from the interviews that offering different pricing options and a style customization tool were the most popular alternatives.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Halfway Reflection

A class like ENT3003 I believe is easy due to the concrete schedule. I know I will have a cupcake, blog posts and responses each week, due the same day. Having a clear calendar has allowed me to be successful in this course. There have been several moments in my life that I have felt like giving up. One that stands out from the rest comes from competitive sports, during a game when the team and I were trailing by a massive amount of points in a highschool basketball game. Nobody thought we had a chance to win, however after a big halftime speech there was a shred of belief. That is usually all it takes to be successful, an unwavering belief in yourself. As I am getting close to graduation I definitely believe I have become more tenacious over the past 2 months. A lot of that stems from relying on myself. Some tips I would offer to the next students: stay on track, it is easy to get behind and lose your grade. Work ahead! This class allows you to work ahead and get in front of the pack. Make the most of each blog post. In order to breed tenacity you must first believe in yourself.

13- Reading Reflection

Before this assignment I had always been fascinated by Elon Musk.What surprised me the most about Elon is the pure dedication to reach Mars. His sole life goal is to make a colony on Mars. I admire the fact that Elon is spending billions of dollars of his own money in order to make the Earth a cleaner place. The aspect of Elon that I least admire was his reluctance to help the author of this book. Every entrepreneur encounters adversity, in 2008 Elon's auto company Tesla, almost went bankrupt. In order to stay afloat he pumped all the money he had into his own business and created one of the best cars the world has ever seen. It is clear that Elon is the genius of the 21st century. He exhibits character, intelligence, originality and determination like very few. One thing I found confusing was when he talked about the science behind SpaceX and the use of scientific jargon. My 2 questions would be: As the first leader of Mars what type of governmental structure do you wish to have? How do you plan to provide clean energy to the world? This man obviously has a hard stance on hard work as it was one of the main factors that got him to the place where he is today.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

12- Figuring out Buyer Behavior

 For this exercise I have chosen the behavioral segmentation for my market in order to learn more about the business and service I am trying to create. Unfortunately, in the first interview I conducted the person did not have the unmet need I was trying to meet. Carrying on, I was able to find 2 millennial individuals and 1 individual who was 56 years old who had the same unmet needs I was trying to solve. These 3 people somehow all did the same thing once they were aware of their unmet need of creating a greener planet, they all wanted to change their diet in some form. The red meat industry is one of the leading contributors of climate change across the globe behind transportation and the burning of fossil fuels. They all searched the internet looking for the best way to make and individual difference. The answer they found was their diet choices. Their search terms were something along the lines of "best way to combat climate change". 2 out of the 3 talked to their friends and family about this crisis and what we can do. While focusing on the behaviors of these people I learned that not everyone is aware or believes in the extent of our climate problem. Because we are not now being immediately affected, people dont seem to care or worry. Based on this segment, I would say that the individuals I interviewed didn't have a high need awareness and were educated by my presentation. After that they displayed a high level of information search and wanting to know more.

11- Idea Napkin

1. I am 4th year student at the University of Florida and my name is Alexander Miguel. For all my life I have always loved to travel, trying new foods, experiencing new cultures. I have been traveling internationally since I was 5 years old granting me a plethora of experiences that I wouldnt be able to have in the states. I would say I am skillful at communicating and reading people. I have always been super drawn to the environment and label myself as an outdoorsman. I see this business playing a role in my life because it incorporates diet, travel and daily consumer decisions.

2. What I am offering customers is a mobile app that allows individuals to track their daily carbon output through transportation, diet, and consumer decisions. This meets the consumers unmet need of helping create a greener planet.

3. The demographic my product is trying to reach is any individual who wants to make a difference in the amount of pollution they are contributing. This doesnt have an age bracket or certain region, it applies to anyone who wants to inspire change.

4. My product is valuable because it is the only product that accurately calculates and displays the amount of carbon each individual is putting into the atmosphere. Climate change is an existential crisis and and this service lessens this crisis.

5. What sets me apart is my passion for the environment and dedication to a cleaner world.

I believe all these points gel well together to make an overall great service. This is something anybody regardless of age, gender, or location can get behind and believe in. We need a culture change to combat this climate change, which I am providing.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

9- Testing Hypothesis Part 2

After interviewing 5 new people for my future product/service I realized I don’t have as much figured out as I initially believed. For one I have realized that there are several businesses that have the same environmental values and principles, however, still don’t go the extra mile to reduce their carbon footprint. Although they share these principles, they don’t want to spend the extra money to cleanly eliminate their waste. The need I have outlined refers to the need to track and monitors one owns carbon footprint. This is definitely different from making environmentally conscious decisions. They are related but just because you are tracking your footprint, doesn’t mean you are making the right decisions. The underlying cause of the outsiders’ need is the same as those in the boundary they just don’t care as much.

Inside the boundary                                                   
Who is In: those who want to better track their effect on the planet.                                       
What the Need Is: to accurately track individually carbon input to stop climate change                       
Why the Need Exists: Climate change is a serious threat that needs active solutions

Outside the boundary
Who is Not: those who don’t believe or care about climate change
What the Need Is Not: enriching large corporations who don’t care about affecting the environment
Alternative Explanations: many believe climate change wont affect them and is a total hoax.
This is disappointing because this change is serious and will affect everyone.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

8- Solving the problem

I have come up with a solution for the rising climate change crisis. In order to personally combat this problem, I have come up with the idea to create an app that personal tracks an individual’s carbon footprint. The app with calculate this based on your diet, mode of transportation, and consumer decisions. With the rise of sea levels, stronger wildfires, and constant deforestation, it is imperative to do the most we can as individuals in our persona; lives to fight this problem. This app will also access your environmental awareness and send you notifications about environmentally friendly products that can be bought at your local supermarket. This idea will be a hybrid, part service part product. Because it is an app it is technically a product however it will also provide services. I full heartedly believe in this idea and have faith it will have multiple applications in the future especially as climate change gets worse.

7- Testing Hypothesis

 An opportunity exists to create a product or service that combats climate change and brings awareness. Citizens in the US are unable to calculate their carbon footprint and understand their consumer decisions and their effects on the environment.
The who: Citizens in US
The what: They are unable to calculate their impact on climate.
The why: Climate change will effect everyone economically
Testing the who: Everyone in my current who shares this need. 
Testing the what: There are no boundaries for the what. Climate change affects everyone
Testing the why: This service/product will hold for everyone because the problem of climate effects everyone regardless of wealth.
After interviewing 5 people I have come to the conclusion that not everyone cares about climate and may not want to use the service even though they need it. Also, there a lot more components of calculating someones carbon footprint than initially thought.

6- Identifying Opportunites

Opportunity 1: Tesla Co. (economic)
(a)   The source of the information that led me to believe that an opportunity existed was the fact that GM and Ford both reported grim Q4 results and decrease in demand in North America for 2020.
(b)  This information leads me to believe an opportunity exists because it is evidence that Tesla is on the rise as a common automobile and they currently control the majority of the EV market.
(c)   I believe the prototypical customer is an individual who wants to be eco friendly and believes in the future of AI technological cars.
(d)  There are multiple opportunities that exist within Tesla including buying their surging stock, investing in one of their cars, or buying one of their home solar battery systems that harvest solar energy. However, these opportunities are difficult to exploit because it is expensive to get involved with Tesla.
(e)   I believed there was an opportunity when another individual did not because I have always believed in solutions that are beneficial to the planet as well as the consumer. Tesla has been able to prove over and over again that EV’s are the future of the automobile industry.

Opportunity 2: Drones (economic)

(a)   The source of the information that led me to believe that an opportunity existed is the increased need for drones. Drones are now used for marketing, photography, alternate to fireworks, and recreational racing.
(b)  This information leads me to believe an opportunity exists because drones are becoming popular as a tool for science and recreation. China now creates drone light shows on NYE as an alternative to fireworks.
(c)   I believe the prototypical customer is an individual who is into photography or likes new technology.
(d)  Becoming apart of a drone company is hard to exploit but there are definitely other smaller opportunities within. Amazon also plans to use drones for same day delivery.
(e)   I believed there was an opportunity when another individual did not because drones have so many applications other than just videos and light shows. Soon drones will deliver food or mail.

Opportunity 3: NJ to Reform Environmental Regulations
(a)   The source of the information that led me to believe that an opportunity existed is the looming threat of global warming.
(b)  This information leads me to believe an opportunity exists because states are reforming their laws to advocate for global warming.
(c)   I believe the prototypical customer is someone who wants to make a positive effect on the environment.
(d)  This is not hard to exploit. Making eco friendly consumer decisions is easy to implement in daily life.
(e)   I believed there was an opportunity when another individual did not because I think in terms of longevity which climate change isn’t.

Opportunity 4: Increase on foreign tariffs, drives jobs in US
(a)   The source of the information that led me to believe that an opportunity existed is that rising tariffs in China will cause in increase in American job creation.
(b)  This information leads me to believe an opportunity exists because companies don’t want to high tariffs on their goods.
(c)   I believe the prototypical customer is someone who is impacted by American job creation.
(d)  This opportunity is hard to exploit because it takes a lot of capital to start a business and create jobs.
(e)   I believed there was an opportunity when another individual did not because I pay close attention to political and economic trends.

Friday, January 31, 2020

4- Forming an Opportunity Belief

I have a belief that an opportunity exists. I have a belief that an opportunity for eco-friendly products exist. 

The unmet need is the need for products that don’t pollute the environment. Our earth and the environmentally conscious people that live in it have the need. This need comes from the fact that our global environment as we know it is going in a downward spiral. People are recycling and using alternative products to meet this need.

The prototypical customer is someone who is aware of the effects many products impose on the environment and is willing to buy better more eco-friendly products to make a difference on this Earth. 

After interviewing prototypical customer #1, I learned that almost all prototypical customers are aware of their needs all the time. The prototypical customer I interviewed has had this unmet need for a long time now; ever since he was a teenager and learned about the negative effects certain products have on the environment. My interviewee is currently addressing this unmet need by using as many sustainable and ecological products as he can, although he is currently not satisfied enough.
I have learned about my opportunity that many customers are unsatisfied with the United States’ current environmental situation. 

After interviewing prototypical customer #2 and prototypical customer #3, I realized that most customers have the same mentality and idea on what would be done to help this Earth and how it should be done. Prototypical customer #2 and prototypical customer #3’s answers were very much similar to prototypical customer #1’s. They all became aware of their need pretty early on and still aren’t satisfied with the way the United States is dealing with inconsistencies in the ecosystem. 
I have learned that my opportunity is something problematic in the US but not necessarily in Europe. 

Basically, all of my original opportunity is still there, although my new opportunity is much more accurate than when I started. Entrepreneurs should adapt with as much fluidity as possible if they want to be successful. 

5- Identifying Local Opportunities

Opportunity 1:
1. Local vape shops lose profits due to recent tobacco lww
3. In December the US signed a new bill raising the age to purchase tobacco to 21, however, Alachua county signed their own bill back in October. This is slashing profits of many smoke shops because the majority of their tobacco customers are between the ages of 18-21.
4. The problem is that the majority of these smoke stores rely on young aged adults to buy tobacco products in order to pay their employees and and keep their business afloat.
5. This problem falls on the business owners who have to make up from these losses as well as the young adults who have to find a new place for their fix.

Opportunity 2:
1. Future over Gainesville's Luckys Market remains unclear
3. Luckys Market plans to close almost all of its Florida locations starting Feb. 12th due to a loss of investment from Kroger this past month. Many employees are out of a job and their future remains uncertain. Aldi may possible reinvest in the Gainesville location.
4. The problem is that the business is going bankrupt and 80 people will be losing their jobs.
5. The Luckys corporation and the employees are the main proponents of this problem.

Opportunity 3:
1.County commission may install cameras on I-75 to prevent speeding
3. In order to combat speeding on I-75 the county has proposed to install cameras to capture speeders and report them to their insurance companies.
4. The problem is that it is illegal in Florida to give out ticket through cameras so the county is finding a loophole to punish speeders.
5. Those who speed as well as the county are those who have the problem. The county has to find a way to fund this 800,000$ endeavor.

Opportunity 4:
1. Coronavirus outbreak being monitored by UF Health officials
3. With the coronavirus spreading everyone is on edge on how to stay healthy. Recently there was some worry that somebody in Shands has the virus.  UF is currently monitoring all possible cases.
4. The problem is a major one, being that there is a possibility that someone in this local area has this deadly virus and is living in a highly congested area.
5. This problem falls primarily on the Shands organization as they are responsible for any outbreaks. It is up to them to put these rumors to rest and continually monitor the situation.

Opportunity 5:
1. VP, treasurer and many Senate candidates in Progressive Party resign within hours
3. Within hours of each other the VP and treasurer candidates of the Progressive Party resigned after an apparent transphobic audio clip was posted on Facebook. The VP claims it was taken out of context and he had no idea he was being recorded.
4. The problem is that several members of the Progressive student party have resigned in the wake of an election causing a clear front runner and no obvious opposition. Running unopposed is never a good thing especially in a political race.
5. The Progressive political party has this problem as many of their top candidates have all resigned almost simultaneously. This party now has to find people to fill these vacant seats right before a big election. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

3A- Entrepreneurship Story

Just this past semester me and a friend of mine created a startup company, Global Smart Home Technologies (LLC). The first product we have been working on is an electric smart lock that integrates facial recognition. We want to provide a smarter and safer alternative to the classic key and lock method. There are several challenges but we believe facial recognition is the future of security because it cant be duplicated and has many more elements than a traditional lock or keypad. We also had the chance to compete at a pitch contest at the Cade Museum and share our idea with a panel of judges for the chance to win $25000.Unfortunately, we did not win the prize but it was a great experience that showed us our flaws and ways we can improve our pitch and overall design. Entrepreneurship is a great thing because it really shows that your own hard work can lead to innovation and success.

2A- Bug List

11.     During exam week there are never enough seats in the Library.
(why) There is an influx of students who are trying to study, maxing the capacity of the library
22.     Buying a pair of clothing in your normal size but it turns out the clothing company uses different dimensions for their sizes.
(why) Some companies like to create their own styles, cutting clothing into different sizes.
33.     When a restaurant messes up your food order.
(why) There are communication errors between servers and chefs
44.     Having a doctor’s appointment and still having to wait for over 30 min.
(why) Doctors overestimate the time taken for each patient.
55.     Getting to campus and my laptop cant connect to the school wifi.
(why) The schools wifi signal isn’t strong enough or the processing speed isn’t fast enough.
66.     Paying for gas but the card reader needs 4 attempts to finally read your card.
(why) Card reader is outdated and needs to be replaces. Mag strip reader is too old.
77.     When I have been waiting in a grocery line for a long time, then another employer opens a new line for the customers behind me.
(why) Employer wasn’t using spatial awareness to realize she was affecting those who had been waiting longer.
88.     People skipping lines at bars with no repercussions.
(why) There isn’t enough staff on hand so people believe they can get away with anything.
9.9     McDonalds on University serves another customer before me even though I ordered first.
(why) Might make more sense to serve them first to help with their operations.
110.  When you use google maps and the app doesn’t update fast enough causing you to make a wrong turn.
(why) I am in an area that has very little internet connection, affecting the processing time of app.
111.  When a company website says their open, but upon arrival I realize they are closed.
(why) Company doesn’t feel it is necessary to update their website.
112.  Going to BestBuy to buy a home appliance and upon arriving home realizing that not all the parts are in the box.
(why) Wholesaler did not make sure the product was ready to go before selling to BestBuy.
113.  Going to a public park and realizing all water fountains are out of order.
(why) State doesn’t have enough funds to fix public property.
114.  Being forced to buy $100+ textbooks for a class I am already paying for.
(why) Textbook companies know you need the material so they’re able to charge obscene prices.
115.  When catching a flight, I am stuck in the middle seat when I am 6’2.
(why) Unlucky ticket draw. Should have height to seat options.
116.  Going out to eat at a restaurant and your server only comes to your table once every 30 minutes, leaving you without water or silverware.
(why) Terrible service and communication skills on part of the server and staff.
117.  When you go to Wendy’s and their frosty machine broken.
(why) The workers are being incompetent and not fixing the machine.
118.  When I have to drive my scooter in the rain.
(why) I don’t have a car so I am forced to get wet while driving
119.  Having to drive a car early in the morning when its freezing out.
(why) It takes at least 5 min for the car to warm up forcing me to freeze.
220.  Picking food up and they don’t provide silverware.
(why) They either forget, are out, or didn’t care enough to provide it.

Creating this bus list was actually much more challenging than I initially thought it was going to be. Thinking off the top of my head was much harder to come up with than going through my daily routine and keeping track of them. There was also some difficulty in explaining why and how these things bug me.